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Meeting Minutes of Non-disclosure of Investigation Review Team in Oct. 2019

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  • Last updated:2020-02-06
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Taiwan Tainan District Prosecutors Office
Meeting Minutes of Non-disclosure of Investigation Review Team in Oct. 2019

Date: 10am on Oct. 23, 2019
Location: Second Conference Room at 5th Floor of the Office
Attendees: refer to the attached attendance book

Chairman: Administrative Assistant Chief Prosecutor Lin Zhong-Bin,
Recorder: Wang Li-ting

A. A Welcome Speech from Chairman
Today, we convene the meeting of Non-disclosure of Investigation Review Team for the first time. We will review the public announcement with regard to the press release of investigating cases on our website posted after Jun. 15, 2019 to verify whether to breach the relevant stipulation in the Regulation of Non-disclosure of Investigation.

B. Review press release (omitted)

C. Conclusion from Chairman
After reviewing the six press releases of investigating cases, we did not disclose the names of defendants or other information sufficient to identify their identities, the confession of defendants, and whether to plead guilty. We did not reveal the evidence during investigation, either. Although one of the press releases reported anatomy on Aug. 14, 2018, the press release was announced on Aug. 27, 2018. That announcement does not belong to the extent of disclosing the non-conducting investigation behavior and does not breach the stipulation of Regulation of Non-disclosure of Investigation. All the press releases reviewed in this meeting meet the stipulation of Regulation of Non-disclosure of Investigation. There being no further business, l declare the meeting closed. Thank you.

D. Declare the meeting over at ten past ten o’clock in the morning.

Recorder: Wang Li-ting
Chairman: Lin Zhong-bin

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