The Flowchart of E-Mail Box to Chief Prosecutor of Taiwan Tainan District Prosecutors Office
- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2025-01-20
- View count:878
Taiwan Tainan District Prosecutors Office: the process steps of the e-mail box of Chief Prosecutor
- The public can log on to the "email box of Chief Prosecutor" of the Taiwan Tainan District Prosecutors Office's website, fill in individual email address on "Step 1: Certified Email" and then click " Certified Email" for a verification email to be sent to their email address.
- The public can open the verification email and click on the link. After the verification step, they can go to "Step 2: Write to us" in the "email box of Chief Prosecutor".
- The public can fill in their message, and then click "Files Upload." An acceptance email which informs them of their complaint's serial number will be sent to them. They may input their complaint 's serial number to inquire about the status of their complaint.
- We have assigned dedicated staff to receive, print and forward the public's emails to the relevant department for giving opinions. Then we will report the opinions to the Chief Prosecutor for approval. Generally, we will reply to the complainant with the processing status by email within five business days.
Link to the e-mail box of Chief Prosecutor (click here)
If the e-mail letter you received display nonsense characters, you can try Unicode, UTF-8.
Attachment List
- 民眾填寫首長信箱-處理流程說明.pdf81 KB 2024-04-29 Count Views:40
- 民眾填寫首長信箱操作說明.pdf397 KB 2024-04-29 Count Views:41